Monday, July 14, 2014

Week 3 & 4 Shenanigans

What can I say!? Life's been going great, and I feel like I am soaking in knowledge (programming AND ping-pong) by the minute! One of my personal favorite highlights this week was our company barbecue--we went to an employee's house for an afternoon of delicious roasted delights and plenty of chips and soda--we even had hummus! Aside from the food, they had a pool and two dogs! Everyone came dressed for the occasion and took a few leaps from the diving board. I even overcame my fear of dogs--I spent a good portion of the afternoon feeding the dogs chips! Not only was this outing fun, but also very eye opening. As the fun and food started winding down, all the company's employees sat in a circle for our weekly company meetings. Instead of the usual demonstrations, we talked about what the company was up to and what our future looked like. I learned a lot about company life and what opportunities and risks to take as the CEO gave a company update about what deals and partnerships we were working on at the time. After this, we all drove back to the office while listening to musical melodies and chatting about school life and ideal summer vacations. But the fun wasn't over yet! After returning to the office, some of the other employees invited me to play a game of ping-pong with them--a doubles game! Instead of the usual games that I tended to play, this game followed the strict rules of the ping-pong (the employees played recreationally). It was a lot of fun, and I finally figured out how to smash the ball and get it over the net! After a week (or two) of hard work, this was the perfect Friday to end it with. I honestly can't believe that 4 weeks are already done--this wonderful experience is going by so quickly! I look forward to finishing my work and to the rest of my time at DataTorrent--not to mention another game of ping-pong!

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